Specialized Services
About Our Specialized Services
Our specialized services are designed to ensure the entire Denver community has access to appropriate treatment and care.

Family Resource Center
We help children and their families bridge the gap in meeting their basic needs while working towards self-empowerment and healthy life choices.
Donation Details:
Donation Center Address: 1075 Galapago St., Denver, CO 80204
Phone: (303) 504-1575
Donation Drop Off: To make a donation please visit during our open hours or contact us at (303) 504-1575.
Case Management
We provide case management services on a referral basis as an additional level of support for children and their families currently receiving clinical services from WellPower programs.
Case management provides:
- Ongoing individualized needs assessment
- Coordination of care
- Referral/linkage to community resources
- Monitoring of care plan implementation
Case management also provides community support interventions to promote symptom stability, improve coping skills, increase socialization, and enhance successful functioning. Services are available in English and Spanish.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
Our Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services team provides specialized outpatient mental health care for Deaf and hard of hearing children, families and adults in the Denver area.
El Centro de las Familias
El Centro de las Familias is a multicultural clinic providing bilingual (Spanish and English) mental health services to adults, youth, children and families from the Latino/a/x and Hispanic community.

Access Our Services
To schedule a first-time appointment for yourself, your child or a loved one, contact our Access Center by calling (303) 504-7900.
Dahlia Campus for Health & Well-Being 3401 Eudora St., Denver, CO 80207
Federal Office 1405 Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80204