Reaching Recovery

Reaching Recovery®

About Reaching Recovery

Reaching Recovery is the only statistically valid measurement-based solution to promote recovery.

“WellPower based its Reaching Recovery Program on the belief that consumers recover and their needs change over time. Their recovery-oriented services help create the condition and culture in which positive change and growth are most likely to occur.”

- Karen Milner, MD, Journey Mental Health’s Medical Director 

We Believe Recovery is Possible for Everyone

This belief underlies everything we do, and we’re dedicated to helping other organizations with similar visions through our Reaching Recovery® program. This program offers recovery outcome tools to other behavioral healthcare providers that aid systems in the delivery of recovery and well-being focused service delivery.   

The outcome tools consist of a set of clinical measures for adult individuals with mental illness that promotes engagement and progression towards recovery. The tools help providers assess and measure a person’s recovery progress. The solution offers the most rigorous, standardized group of assessments to evaluate strengths, barriers, and level of care recommendations for individuals. The result is true person-centered care that reduces the overall cost of recovery throughout the organization.  The content was developed by WellPower. Reaching Recovery is a joint partnership between Netsmart Technologies and WellPower.

The tools are used for Joint Commission outcome requirements. With the instruments, behavioral healthcare agencies have a comprehensive picture and standardized method for examining effectiveness of services and outcomes. The instruments provide data that explores the most efficient allocation of time and resources with the most successful results.

Our Services

Recovery Measures

Four statistically valid recovery outcome assessments that track the rate and progression toward recovery and growth of mental illness. Learn More

Implementation Support

Consultation and training focused on data-informed and recovery-focused service delivery. Learn More

National Learning Collaborative

Providing national learning opportunities that to explore recovery data and recovery best-practice.

Recovery Measures

The four recovery measures assess recovery from multiple perspectives and dimensions. When you join Reaching Recovery® you can use one or all four of the instruments to link outcomes to service effectiveness and recovery transformation. This process provides a comprehensive picture and a standardized method for examining effectiveness of services and outcomes.

Recovery Needs Level®

The Recovery Needs Level assigns the right level of service intensity for an individual at the right time.

Recovery Marker Inventory®

The Recovery Markers Inventory is a clinician’s rating of a person on eight objective factors associated with recovery.

Promoting Recovery in Organizations (PRO)

The PRO Survey is completed by the individual in service to address staff’s characteristics which promote recovery.

Consumer Recovery Measure

The Consumer Recovery Measure is a subjective measure of changes in recovery completed by the person receiving services.

Learn More

Request a Demo

Contact us to arrange a 90 minute web-based meeting that will dive into how the data is used within a value-based model to support engagement and progression towards mental health recovery. Throughout the meeting, you and your colleagues will learn how the tools and outcomes data are built into staffs’ workflow to:

  • Provide clinically meaningful information for treatment planning
  • Inform programmatic decisions and quality assurance
  • Support your organization's mission.

Contact us at or 303-504-6582.