Early Childhood

Early Childhood

About Early Childhood

We believe childhood mental health is critical to lifelong well-being. We offer a variety of services to support infants and pre-school age children.

PLAY Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program

PLAY 2 homepage

We all have mental health–even babies! Children’s mental health is critical to their overall health. It is normal to have concerns and questions about children’s behavior and development or need support as you care for young children.

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation is a prevention service provided at no-cost to early childhood professionals and caregivers caring for young children birth through age 5. Our services promote the healthy social and emotional development of children, the wellbeing of caregivers and high quality care in early learning environments.

Right Start for Infant Mental Health

Right Start for is a mental health program for pregnant women and families with children ages birth to 5 years. We provide help when there are concerns about a child’s emotions, behavior or development, or when parenting becomes difficult.

We are also able to provide services in the home or community when a higher level of care (such as more frequent or longer sessions) is needed, or when there are barriers preventing attendance in the office.

Right Start for Colorado

Right Start for Colorado is an Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health initiative partially funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Access Our Services

To schedule a first-time appointment for yourself, your child or a loved one, contact our Access Center by calling (303) 504-7900.

Send Us an Email: AccessCenter@wellpower.org


Dahlia Campus for Health & Well-Being 3401 Eudora St., Denver, CO 80207

Federal Office 1405 Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80204