Social media memes can often capture a cultural moment. A current one says, “My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.” And, while it may seem like all memes offer is a chuckle over your morning coffee, humor can help people cope during times of stress.
Regardless of political beliefs, there is no denying that 2025 has been filled with considerable upheaval and uncertainty – and it’s only February. Whether dealing with political issues or personal matters, enhancing resilience is essential for facing adversity and trauma, ultimately emerging stronger.
Resilience, which is defined as, “the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness,” is often cited in psychiatric journals as one of the most important traits to help people endure. For more than 40 years, WellPower has helped Denverites build resiliency to navigate trauma and cope with stress with our nationally recognized behavioral health services.
Here are some science-backed and time-tested tips to help build resilience and support well-being no matter what 2025 has in store:
Practice Gratitude
Science shows crafting a daily practice of gratitude will improve well-being. Start or end your day noting specific things that make you grateful. When you identify and appreciate the positives around you, the negatives don’t seem as overwhelming. Take the time to say “thank you” to the people around you, as expressing gratitude helps set positivity in motion.
Engage in Community & Prioritize Relationships
Strong relationships are key to well-being. Intentionally and frequently connect with people who matter to you. Set up a monthly potluck dinner with friends. Commit to an exercise class. Join a book club. Make plans and stick to them as the bonds of connection are integral to well-being.
Establish Boundaries & Stay Informed
There is no shortage of bad news, so set boundaries for when, where and how you will stay informed. No “doom scrolling,” non-stop news viewing or “talking politics” with the Negative Nelly who likes to argue. Instead, set aside a time, perhaps a half hour at lunch or after work, to take in the news from a trusted source. See if your favorite source has a media bias and if they are fact-checked and well-regarded. Turn off “news alerts,” unfollow news sources and resist the urge to “check-in” on the news except for your designated time. You can stay well-informed without the weight of incessant connection.
Accept What You Can Control and What You Can’t
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” The Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Prayer eloquently illustrates that many people stress about things entirely out of their control. Instead of worrying about what you can’t control, evaluate what you can and manage your expectations. Maintain flexibility, as we cannot always control outcomes. However, by identifying elements within our control, we can strive to effect change.
Work for Change
Find important local causes you support and volunteer your time. Help at a food bank, your church, a resource center or with any cause you care about. The benefits will be two-fold: you will support your values and make an impact locally, as well as improve your personal well-being by the act of volunteering and finding meaning.
Choose Hope
It may seem difficult, but work hard to have an optimistic outlook. There is no foretelling of the future and imagining a desired positive long-term outcome can help you feel more in control, set a more positive, hopeful tone and keep you from fixating on your fears.
Take Care of Yourself and Know How to Seek Professional Help
Self-care comes in many forms. Find a favorite TV series or comedy and let yourself laugh. Limit your alcohol intake. Exercise. Indulge in an occasional treat. Journal. Commit to good sleep hygiene. Give yourself grace during challenging times. Also, know that there is help available if you find yourself struggling to cope. There are community organizations and faith-based groups as well as licensed mental health professionals and crisis hotlines like 988 you can access. Don’t be afraid to reach out to WellPower, too: (303) 504-6500