By Carl Clark, MD,
President & CEO of the WellPower
On Thursday, October 11th, Mental Health of America Colorado (MHAC) honored WellPower President & CEO Carl Clark, MD for his strategic leadership around the issue of behavioral health at their “Tribute to Leadership” dinner.
MHAC recognized Dr. Clark for his leadership in challenging the WellPower to be a Center of Excellence with the best mental health services in the country. More specifically, MHAC cited Dr. Clark’s vision for using strengths-based and recovery-focused treatment methods with all services offered by the WellPower. Additionally, Dr. Clark was credited for his role in developing validated instruments to measure recovery from mental illness that have been adopted by other community mental health centers in the United States and internationally.
MHAC President and CEO Don Mares introduced Dr. Clark at the awards ceremony, describing him as “a person who isn’t satisfied with merely running a great community mental health center,” but rather as someone “who thinks of ways to change the world—acting on those visionary ideas.”
Mares also recognized Dr. Clark’s leadership as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare, which represents almost 2,000 community mental health centers around the country. In this role, Dr. Clark “took his ideas and energy to the national stage,” said Mares.
Thank you to MHAC for recognizing Dr. Clark, and congratulations to Dr. Clark on his visionary leadership!
Watch a short video about the “Tribute to Leadership” program below. More information about Mental Health America Colorado (MHAC) is available here.